The Program

The Bachelor of Arts in Tourism and Hospitality Management (BATHM) program aims at developing a student’s intellectual ability, executive personality and managerial skills through an appropriate and balanced general education along with Tourism and Hospitality Management theory and practical training.


Our mission is to develop highly skilled and globally competitive Tourism and Hospitality Graduates through appropriate teaching, training and guidance as well as hands on experience in both theoretical and practical knowledge of the Tourism and Hospitality Management.


To create future leaders with outstanding professionalism, updated knowledge and skills that possess the efficiency in gaining competitive advantage at all levels in the fields of Tourism and Hospitality Industry


For the first time in the history of Bangladesh IUBAT started to award Bachelor of Arts in Tourism and Hospitality Management degree back in 2001.


Globally recognized with 96 institutional links.

Permanent 17 Bigha River view green campus.

Transportation facilities for students.

World class five star standard labs

Excellent faculty members with industrial experience.

Training Restaurant and Bar, Front Office lab, Housekeeping lab, Hot & Cold Kitchen

Financial assistance, deferred payment, semester scholarship & 25 specialized scholarship.

Faculty Members


Dr. Mohammad Badruddoza Talukder

Associate Professor and Chairman


Farzana Al Ferdous

Associate Professor and Coordinator


Shaikh Ershad Hossain

Associate Professor